Why you will lose so much weight: The 4 powerful phases of the diet

Phase 1: Lasts for 7 days.

This part of the plan is meant to detoxify the body and help you lose weight like it’s needed “yesterday” as Brian says. 5-10 pounds is what the expectation is here.

The first day you’ll be eating 4 meals, 3-4 hours apart and they are only going to be vegetables. It’s tough, but it’s only going to be for one day.

The next 3 days you’ll add protein foods into the diet and alternate them, eating 2 meals out of the 4 with protein and the other 2 will be just vegetable.

The last 3 days of the diet will involve adding proteins to all 4 meals which means no more alternating. Every meal you eat will be mixed.

Sample foods:

Vegetables: Beets, carrots, broccoli, tomato, spinach, onions, peppers, mushrooms, kale, cabbage, aritchoke and more.

These vegetables can be steamed, broiled or microwaved.

Proteins: Chicken, beef, eggs, fish and other related foods which have protein (list is provided inside diet plan)

You can ONLY drink water during these 7 days.

Phase 2: Lasts only 1 day

You’re going to be fasting on day 8. To make this easier to deal with, Brian recommends having your last meal at night, so you can sleep through a large portion of the fast and eat the next night.

Phase 3: Lasts 3 days

This phase is the one which interested me most. You’re going to be eating a high fat/low calorie/low carb diet and ironically with what Brian explains and the studies he cites, you are actually going to lose a lot of weight.

You are told to eat anywhere from 1,200 calories (women) and 1,500 (men) a day in which 80% of it consists of fat. You are allowed to add anything to your food that adds fat. Mayonnaise, avacado, bacon, eggs. This is all allowed.

Will this make you fat? Not even close. In fact, you will lose a lot of it. Brian makes it clear the only fat you should fear is trans fat and this is what you have to stay away from.

One study explained in this section talks about 4 groups of people who were on a 1,000 calorie diet. One group only ate proteins, one only ate fats, one only carbs and the last one was a regular diet.

The irony is that the group which was on the high fat diet lost the most weight. And remember, we’re talking 1,000 calories each.

The key is to keep carbs to a minimal. You are allowed up to 30 grams of carbs per day if you can’t hold on. There are also health benefits of a high fat diet.

Phase 4: Lasts until day 21 (9 days)

This is the easiest part of the diet. All it really focuses on is just eating under your BMR on a daily basis. There are different “aggression levels” during this phase with aggression being how much weight you want to lose.

Depending on how much weight you want to keep losing, you’ll eat under your BMR anywhere from 15%-30% meaning if your BMR was 2,000 calories a day, 15% would mean you could eat only 1,700/day.

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